However, this exclusive article will guide the users how to pick one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges around the globe to do business with. Needless to say most of these exchanges accept money by wire transfer & the best part is,the users can use them from any part of the world. The Cryptocurrencies bought and sold must however be legal in that countrySome Popular Cryptocurrency Exchanges Coinbase is one among the most popular cryptocurrency exchange that delivers best in the industry exchange services for the users. It is probably the most popular company today for buying Bitcoin. Founded in late 2012 as a part of Y-Combinator and until today has raised many million dollars in venture capital and considered by many the leading name in the industry.Interestingly, there are two ways someone can buy cryptocurrency from this exchange i.e. one is through the wallet and the other is through the Coinbase exchange. When the user buyscryptocurrency through the Coinbase wallet he is basically buying the Bitcoin from Coinbase itself, whereas when he uses the exchange he is participating in a trading with other users.