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The Diet Stops - A New Take on Weight Loss

I had personal proof of this when I was 23.NatureThin  In my graduation photo taken when I was 22, I was somewhere between a size 12 and a size 14. Then I moved in with my friend's mum so that I could save up to go travelling. She very generously charged me only £10 a week as rent, and although I saved up enough within a year, I paid the price. Our daily meals were pasta, pizza, chips, baked potatoes, and other carb rich foods, and I piled on the weight until I was almost a size 20! Once I was back home I joined the gym, totally overhauled my diet but I've never in my life followed a 'calorie controlled diet' and got back down to a


sensible weight. The carbs had most definitely been the culprit!So when you eat a high GL food, the body quickly breaks it down into sugar and pushes it into your cells using insulin from your pancreas. Your cells then use it to create energy, which gives you a quick lift but also lowers your blood sugar again soon afterwards because the sugar has moved from your blood into your cells. That leads to you feeling hungry, grumpy, shaky, craving sugars, caffeine, nicotine, or something else to pep you up again. Over a period of time it also exhausts your pancreas and your adrenal glands, which has a permanent negative impact on your health and your longevity. It also leads to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes, which thankfully with quite a lot of effort is reversible - but really it's best not to go there in the first place.


