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7 Types of Insulation For Your Home

Spray-foam insulation This is a good   Smart Solar Box application for irregular spaces, and will expand into areas other insulation cannot reach. It also forms an excellent water seal. However, it can only be installed into an open wall, which means you can only use it if you areremodeling or adding on.This is simply a fabric of lightweight aluminum that covers attic insulation. These barriers are designed to allow vapors to pass through them and prevent condensation from occurring at the ceiling.


A single sheet reflects heat from above in summer, and helps hold in heat during winter.Duct insulation This type of insulation is 1 inch thick and comes in 1-foot-wide rolls to be wrapped around ducting.Preformed from foam, tubular pipe insulation is used to insulate water pipes. It is most commonly available for 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, and 1 inch pipes, and usually comes in 6 foot lengths. It is soft and easy to cut with a razor knife or scissors.


It is also usually split lengthwise to allow quick installation.Many of the categories of insulation described in this article are available in several types of materials such as fiberglass, rock wool, cellulose, and others. They can be combined. For example, you can use batts over loose-fill material, and other combinations.One thing to make sure of is that the insulation you buy is not manufactured with formaldehyde. Also, whenever handling any insulation materials, use gloves, protective clothing, a fabric mask, eye protection, and a hat since some materials can irritate your skin and lungs.


