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Here's How to Create Your Own Running Program to Lose Weight Safely

The first good thing about using interval South Beach Diet running to burn fat is the fact that it is a very intense exercise. It should go without saying that intense exercises work better for helping a person burn more calories at a faster rate, and intense exercises are well known to help speed up the metabolism especially when they are cardiovascular exercises. Interval running will prove to be an exercise that speeds up your metabolism to the point that you will be burning calories while you sleep.Another benefit to this running exercises is the fact that it helps to build muscle and tone the legs, and you will be very grateful. You didn't have to go to the gym into weight lifting exercises to get back that tone type figure body.Now the only bad things I found in concern to doing interval running is that if a person who is just beginning to run to lose weight does interval running then they most definitely aren't going to help themselves.



The best thing that a beginning runner should do is first get started on easier cardiovascular exercises and resistance weight lifting exercises so that they will have the stamina to actually get through interval running to lose weight.The next aspect of using a running program to lose weight is doing long-distance running at a slow pace, otherwise known as LSD. The great thing about doing long slow distance running is that this kind of running helps with those runners who are just beginning so that they can better build up their breathing and develop a good running pace so that they aren't putting too much strain on their joints.The only bad thing I can say about this kind of running is that it is extremely time consuming, and most running sessions can last for over an hour if you are doing it correctly. These are two exercises that you can definitely incorporate into your running program to lose weight.

